Simple Shell Script for Automating Github Push
shell / bash / github

This is a post about automating github push command written in bash shell script. This example is based on my github repo, which is for archiving coding problems/solutions.

My repository has a structure like below:

└── problem_category_1
    ├── problem_1
    │   └──
    │   └── problem_1.js
    ├── problem_2
    │   └──
    │   └── problem_2.js
    ├── problem_1
    │   └──
    │   └── problem_1.js
    └── problem_2
        └── problem_2.js

If I want to solve a problem, I have to create a problem directory under problem_category and then create and problem.js under problem. Also, if problem_category doesn’t exist, i.e. I want to solve a new category of problems, I have to add a problem_category directory first. And this is how it works:

# Find the problem type
echo "Enter the type of the problem:"

# Show the list of the directories
ls -d */

# Read the input
read pType

if [ ! -d "$pType" ]; then
  # Control will enter here if $DIRECTORY doesn't exist.
  mkdir "$pType"
  echo "$pType folder is created"

# # Print the statement
echo "Enter the name of the problem you want to solve:"

# Read the input "problem'
read problem

# Replace spaces with underscores
problem=${problem// /_}

# # Create a directory for the problem
mkdir "$pType/$problem"

# # Create and the js file.
touch "$pType/$problem/"

touch "$pType/$problem/$problem.js"

Each time you create a script file and try to run it, you will encounter a message saying that the permission to execute the file is denied. To fix this, you have to give permission to this script file:

# +x grants permission to execute
chmod +x your_script_file

Now, I just have to type the name of the problem_type directory and the name of the problem that I am going to solve. Hope this helps!